Monday, February 9, 2009

Hand Painted Couture In Hands of the People

Hello All!

This Spring Thrift- for the good find has brought to you an array of beautiful designs and we have only just begun! If you are a fashion maven (and even if you are not!) and you have been keeping your eyes peeled to the new and interesting trends that are going on around you, you can see Thrift is working hard to bring you fun and up to date fashion, but at smarter than couture prices.

Yes, part of our charm is the fact that we have a designer eye, but with a better price. You can see many of the couture designers creating hand painted garments. Yet, they are not vintage, nor are they one of a kind. Not to knock anyone because Vic and I LOVE the designs of couture makers like Cavali and Posen, but we of course, can't afford them.

So, what we are doing is bringing you items that have a little similiarity to those beautiful designers, but that are most definitely unique and available to the people like you! Cavali had a beautiful hand painted and street mural inspired gown in his Spring collections that can be seen on and we are uploading the pic for you lust after as well in conjunction with one of our own hand painted creations!

Keep checking back for more..We ALWAYS got your fashion back!

The Ladies of THRIFT

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